Your new life begins with a new thought.
Community Visioning
New Thought Philadelphia was created through a Life Visioning process that has been under way since 2009. All are welcome to the weekly Visioning sessions as we join together to reveal Spirit's highest and best for our Community.
Each session lasts less than an hour, and no prior experience is necessary. Life Visioning is a spiritual practice that combines meditation with an inquiry into our own intuition about the greatness that Spirit is inviting us to. Each participant deepens into their own Truth, gaining personal insight for their own life while helping create the next great version of our vibrant and joyous community.
Life Visioning
Life Visioning was created by Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith, founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles. The process is described in his book "Life Visioning" and several other publications that area available in our online store. New Thought Philadelphia also offers a six-week class on the Life Visioning process.
To Believe in the Things You Can See and Touch is No Belief at All… But to Believe in the Unseen is a Triumph and a Blessing.
-Abraham Lincoln
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