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Your new life begins with a new thought.

Course Catalog

This is the library of course offerings. See the Current Classes section for current and upcoming class schedules.

Programs are categorized as follows:

  • Core classes are the basics, beginning with Beyond Limits and continuing with the ones required for Practitioner training
  • Advanced classes have prerequisites
  • Enrichment classes (electives) are open to all
  • Prosperity classes are a subset of the Enrichment category

All classes | Core classes | Advanced classes | Enrichment classes | Prosperity classes


Live a life of true prosperity

Four sessions

Our experiment in prosperous living continues with the empowering insights from Edwene Gaines about the true meaning of prosperity. This four week class will help you achieve a life of material and spiritual abundance. A life of true prosperity means you're enjoying:

  • a vitally alive, healthy body through which you experience relationships that are always satisfying and intimate, honest, and nurturing
  • work you love so much that it's not work-it's play
  • all the money you can spend

Prosperity Plus


A New Way of Living

10 sessions

Prosperity Plus is a dynamic 10-week program that teaches a new way of living centered on the spiritual practices of an abundant life! In this program you will move from fear, scarcity, and limited thinking to a life full of possibility, prosperity and promise.

Throughout this course you will discover the ten universal laws that govern an abundant life, and will be given the opportunity and encouragement to put these universal laws into daily practice.

Spiritual Economics

It's not just about money.

Spiritual Economics is about understanding and achieving balance in every facet of your life. In this class students move beyond "wishing" and learn to use spiritual principles in the management of their affairs - financial and otherwise.

The secret is simply to realize that all "success principles" are actually "spiritual principles". The emphasis of this class is on expressing spiritual principles through practical means, to produce a more prosperous experience of life.

I Am a Richly Endowed Expression of an Opulent Universe. There is Always Sufficiency To Do the Things I Want and Need to Do.

-Eric Butterworth
Spiritual Economics

Affirmations by Jane Rourke


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Practical Prayer podcast

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Sunday Celebration

Our weekly Celebration is always available online. Watch on YouTube Live, or join in the conversation on Zoom.