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Spiritual Economics

It's not just about money.

Spiritual Economics is about understanding and achieving balance in every facet of your life. In this class students move beyond "wishing" and learn to use spiritual principles in the management of their affairs - financial and otherwise.

The secret is simply to realize that all "success principles" are actually "spiritual principles". The emphasis of this class is on expressing spiritual principles through practical means, to produce a more prosperous experience of life.

The specific intentions of the class are to:

  • Develop a greater awareness of God as the source of your Financial Freedom and all the Good in your life
  • Develop a greater personal understanding of the Principles of Financial Freedom
  • Develop a greater awareness of your current attitudes and beliefs about money
  • Develop new attitudes and beliefs about money that are in alignment with the Principles of Truth
  • Develop a spiritual practice that will duplicate the nature of Spirit in your financial affairs
  • Identify a form of Self-Expression that is in alignment with your Financial Freedom

Text: "Spiritual Economics' by Eric Butterworth

Registration is open now!

You can choose to pay in full, or in three easy installments. Tuition support is also available. Use a credit card, or pay with cash or check by clicking the link to "show other payment options".

STOP being afraid of what could go wrong,
and START being excited of what could go right.

Affirmations by Jane Rourke

The Practical Prayer podcast

Practical Prayer podcast

New episodes every Wednesday. Listen now...

We record every Monday at 1pm and livestream the session. Join the "live studio audience" on Facebook or YouTube for a peek behind the scenes.

Spiritual Counseling & Practical Prayer sessions with Rev. Bill

Our beliefs create our experience of life. When we are dissatisfied with any aspect of life - be it...

  • health and vitality
  • prosperity and enough-ness
  • love and connection
  • the way we share our gifts with the world
  • or something else...

there is very likely a belief at work that is hidden below our conscious awareness.

Rev. Bill works with you one-on-one to discover those hidden beliefs and replace them with ones that will tend to bring more of the Good you seek into your life.

Each session includes a personal Practical Prayer to activate the Truth of who you are as individualized expressions of Spirit. Through practice of this scientific form of prayer, we enter an energetic vibration that anchors our awareness in our essential perfection and oneness with the I Am Presence of the Self, and invite a new experience of Life.

Three, six, and twelve-session packages include free follow-up via email or text between sessions. Unused sessions expire after 18 months.

 All session will be scheduled at a mutually agreeable time, via Zoom, phone or in-person.