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Emerson Theological Institute

An Affiliated Center

Since our founding, New Thought Philadelphia has been part of the Emerson Institute family, with accredited educational programs, certificates, and degrees. Emerson promotes an understanding and embodiment of the Universal Principles so that each learner can pursue unlimited spiritual, emotional, intellectual and social potential.

Emerson has graduates who have brought New Thought into many occupations and fields of interest. The grads are co-creating at such professions as classroom teaching, art, writing, publishing, adult education, health and nutrition, business, curriculum creation, chaplain and ministerial work.

Emerson Institute Affiliate Certificate

About Emerson Institute

Since its beginnings in 1992, Emerson has promoted an understanding and embodiment of the Universal Principles so that each person can pursue unlimited spiritual, emotional, intellectual and social potential.

Emerson graduates truly believe that by changing their thinking they can positively change their lives — everything is possible!

The Learning Environment

Focus: Emerson’s learning environment includes traditional classes. However, the major focus is on programs designed to further the Institute’s vision of awakening people to empowering Universal Principles and providing the educational resources to facilitate development of healthy relationships, spiritual communities, and realization of potential.

Core Curriculum: To accomplish its vision, Emerson’s core curriculum embraces the spiritual ideology of the presence of God in all life and the power of right thinking. It emphasizes the existence of One Life, One Mind, One Power, One Presence, in, as, and through all creation.

All of Emerson’s courses of study and programs have New Thought as a foundation incorporating universal spiritual principles as found in world religions and teachings. The degrees offered through Emerson Institute are not academic degrees. Students desiring academic degrees (such as Ph.D., M.A., B.S., etc.) should enroll in private or state colleges offering such degrees.

Teachings: The teachings of Ernest Holmes, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Mary Baker Eddy, Emma Curtis Hopkins, Charles Fillmore, Thomas Troward and other greater teachers and philosophers are studied, as well as masters such as Jesus, Buddha, Lao-Tzu and others.

Modern Teachers: Since learning is a life-long experience, the learner must be “open at the top” as Ernest Holmes so profoundly stated. In that endeavor and so that students can grow spiritually, emotionally, intellectually and socially, the writings of modern-day writers are examined. Stuart Wilde, Joel Goldsmith, Wayne Dyer, Caroline Myss, Deepak Chopra, and Thomas Moore, among others, are studied.

Instructional Model: Programs are designed to maximize the creativity of the student. Participatory learning precludes lecture-test methods and incorporates student interaction in small and large groups, working together on projects, research and experiential project development, student-driven formats, cooperative teaching, and goal-directed instructional modalities. This is a place where students can truly maximize their potential wherever they may be.

The teaching and learning methodology is outcome driven and includes the concept of the school without walls, on-the-job training, home-study projects, use of the Internet, e-mail communication with staff, traditional residential classes and travel study. However, the degree programs’ major instructional modality is classroom instruction and personal, one-on-one interaction with the instructors.

You can tell how big a person is by what it takes to discourage him.


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Affirmations by Jane Rourke

The Practical Prayer podcast

Practical Prayer podcast

New episodes every Wednesday. Listen now...

We record every Monday at 1pm and livestream the session. Join the "live studio audience" on Facebook or YouTube for a peek behind the scenes.

Spiritual Counseling & Practical Prayer sessions with Rev. Bill

Our beliefs create our experience of life. When we are dissatisfied with any aspect of life - be it...

  • health and vitality
  • prosperity and enough-ness
  • love and connection
  • the way we share our gifts with the world
  • or something else...

there is very likely a belief at work that is hidden below our conscious awareness.

Rev. Bill works with you one-on-one to discover those hidden beliefs and replace them with ones that will tend to bring more of the Good you seek into your life.

Each session includes a personal Practical Prayer to activate the Truth of who you are as individualized expressions of Spirit. Through practice of this scientific form of prayer, we enter an energetic vibration that anchors our awareness in our essential perfection and oneness with the I Am Presence of the Self, and invite a new experience of Life.

Three, six, and twelve-session packages include free follow-up via email or text between sessions. Unused sessions expire after 18 months.

 All session will be scheduled at a mutually agreeable time, via Zoom, phone or in-person.