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Living Untethered class

Beyond the Human Predicament

Tuesdays 7-9pm
Jan. 30 - March 19, 2024
Hybrid class on Zoom and on-site in Narberth PA
Tuition: $200

Activate Your Intuition

In this immensely practical eight week class we’ll explore ways to move beyond the thoughts, feelings, and habits that keep us stuck—so we can heal the pain of the past and let our spirits soar. Students will gain a deeper understanding of where our thoughts and emotions come from, and how they affect our natural energy flow. This new insight will provide a path to freedom from the psychological scars, or samskaras, that block us and keep us from reaching our highest potential. The goal is to stop struggling and start experiencing a life of liberation, serenity, openness, and self-knowledge.

We’ll meet in person at Exhale Massage & Yoga in Narberth, PA and online via Zoom. Students are free to attend each session online or in person.

Textbook: “Living Untethered - Beyond the Human Predicament” by Michael A. Singer
Available on Amazon

Facilitator: Rev. Bill Marchiony, DD

Scholarship support is available.

Click here to register!

NOTE ABOUT REGISTRATION: Click the button to open a window for our online store. Add the class to your shopping cart, and choose the option to add the book if you'd like. Click through to the shopping cart to register and pay.


Tithing Is When You Get to Keep 90% of God's Money.

-Bill Marchiony

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Affirmations by Jane Rourke

The Practical Prayer podcast

Practical Prayer podcast

New episodes every Wednesday. Listen now...

We record every Monday at 1pm and livestream the session. Join the "live studio audience" on Facebook or YouTube for a peek behind the scenes.

Spiritual Counseling & Practical Prayer sessions with Rev. Bill

Our beliefs create our experience of life. When we are dissatisfied with any aspect of life - be it...

  • health and vitality
  • prosperity and enough-ness
  • love and connection
  • the way we share our gifts with the world
  • or something else...

there is very likely a belief at work that is hidden below our conscious awareness.

Rev. Bill works with you one-on-one to discover those hidden beliefs and replace them with ones that will tend to bring more of the Good you seek into your life.

Each session includes a personal Practical Prayer to activate the Truth of who you are as individualized expressions of Spirit. Through practice of this scientific form of prayer, we enter an energetic vibration that anchors our awareness in our essential perfection and oneness with the I Am Presence of the Self, and invite a new experience of Life.

Three, six, and twelve-session packages include free follow-up via email or text between sessions. Unused sessions expire after 18 months.

 All session will be scheduled at a mutually agreeable time, via Zoom, phone or in-person.